Okay I'm just going to hoe into Dan's comments because I have already in an email to him hahaha.
Personally, I think this is the greatest film I have ever seen. Better than Elizabeth even! [and both of them have Cate Blanchett in them...hmmm...]
Yeah the books have all the syrup in there too (you'll DIE if a certain scene from "Two Towers" ends up in the film, I know) but then you also have to keep in mind that-
a) it was over 50 years ago when Tolkien (sorry if i spelt it wrong) wrote them, and different social attitudes and stuff
b) these (apart from Aragorn and Boromir) are NOT human beings and are in a different world with different values and stuff.
but i will agree that yes it was 'corny' but i don't think the film suffered because of it.
yes, agree but PJ was restricted by keeping true to the books. but in contrast to my agreeing, i think if it did solely focus on the 'gritty' moments leaving out all the other bits, it would degenerate into a fantasy-world action film which, in my opinion, would just be crap. tolkien's world is so rich in lore and history that you can't really just focus on the grit without the history and story behind why the grit is there.
if you'd read the book, you would see that the film is AMAZINGLY tightly structured - and even better than the book in some stages (eg - crossing Caradhras). i agree that the characterisation was left out quite a bit now that i think of it, but then i read the books heaps so knew what was expected and so on. and i think they are all quite true to their novel counterparts. but i think the 'smaller' bits of story and character were lost in the 'tightening' but all the important defining moments were there. also, keep in mind that the characters are fully fleshed in the lengthy introduction to the book, and expanded upon in the appendices (a whole volume in itself) and also that the characters are being developed across the whole three movies and not just one of them.
yes. never have i seen a better cast movie.
its an enya song *grin*
its called THE SHIRE which is a locale withing greater HOBBITON. read the books dan, read the books! (samois indeed lol)
rather than point out things i like (because that would take years) i'll point out (largely nitpicky) things that i disliked.
- at no stage in the movie does legolas say "yrch!" (which is elvish for orcs)
- arwen wasn't in it enough (but then that might just be me wanting to look at liv tyler some more)
- amon sul was a little disappointing visually
- no lobelia sackville-baggins!!!
- aragorn's last line...he TOTALLY drops out of character when he says "lets hunt some orc". total cringe moment.
- sam's "drowning" scene. a little too ott. (over the top)
- sam didn't get to look into galadriel's mirror!!!! this was the bit i was HUGELY disappointed that it didn't happen. it is a major character defining moment for sam, in my opinion. apparently a lot of lorien scenes filmed were cut but may appear in the DVD (although sam's i'm sure won't be a part of it).
i've seen it twice...need to see it again!